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The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda is a well known series within the gaming community. The rights to the property belong to the Nintendo Company. The franchise has multiple installments on all of Nintendo's major game consoles, which originated three decades ago. At its core, The Legend of Zelda is a fantasy action-adventure video game series filled with vibrant locales and memorable characters. The property is one of Nintendo's most prosperous franchises for being one of the first of its kind to implement an open world for the player to explore freely. The success of the series has helped it achieve over 80 million copies sold as of 2017.

In Depth with the Charm

The Legend of Zelda became the entity it is today due to an array reasons. There will be two different topics covering what makes the games in the series feel like a true adventure and how they both work together to make the player feel truly immersed. Topic One covers the presentation of the games, you can read more on the subject by clicking the link. While Topic Two goes over the orchestration found within the games. To learn more click the link provided.

The History

The Zelda series has always brought unique installments to the market. Eventhough there is plenty of games with the same title, they each differ uniquely from the others, with the occasional exception due to sequels and other similar sorts. The history link will provide a look at the varying Zelda titles that have been released throughout the years.

To learn more about The Legend of Zelda, you can visit the following links.

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